

What is Scala

Scala is used in Big Data Processing, Machine Learning, Streaming Services, etc. It is designed to run big data applications based on Java. If your application requires big data processing which contains logs of SQL-like quries, and those query results needs some further processing according to some business logic implementations, it works for you.

With regard to Big Data Processing, check spark v.s. flink for details.


How to use Scala

Reference docs:

  1. Get started
  2. Build and test with sbt

Basic tools and usages

Commands Descrpition
scalac scala compiler
scala scala script runner
scala-cli interactive console for scala
sbt, sbtn sbt build tool, doc see here: build and test with sbt
amm enhanced REPL
scalafmt code formatter
cs Coursier, similiar to Maven, a dependency management tool


  1. Create a template project by running sbt new scala/scala3.g8.