Concept Collection
Category | Concept | Explanation | Pros | Cons |
General Platform | Spark | A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. Spark: Spark Spark Explanation: Spark explanation |
Spark is a fast and resilient large distributed data processing platform. |
Flink | Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over bounded and unbounded data. Arch Intro: Flink - Arch Use cases: Event-driven applications, Data analytics applications, data pipeline applications. |
Read event-log in a real time manner. The arch stores and processes data locally and update persistant remote storage periodically. In the meantime, it streams event to downstream. | ||
Hadoop | Hadoop is a framework the stores process and analyze data which are very huge in column. Intro: Hadoop |
Storage | HDFS | HDFS is a distributed file system that stores very large files. | 1. Stores very large files. 2. Streaming data access(write-once, read-many-times) 3. Cheap hardware |
1. Low latency data access. 2. Lots of small files 3. Multiple writes |
Resource Scheduling | Yarn | Yarn - Yet Another Resourse Negotiator. Yarn provides a generic and flexible framework to administer the computing resources in the Hadoop cluster. |
Mesos | Mesos is a platform for sharing commodity clusters between multiple diverse cluster computing frameworks, such as Hadoop and MPI. Multiplexing a cluster between frameworks is the main use case of mesos. White paper: Paper |
It could perform fine-grained resource sharing across diverse clustering computing frameworks. | ||
Data Analysis | Pig | Pig is an SQL-like language that could be compiled to a series of Map-reduce operations that could be optimized to execute. | ||
Hive | The Apache Hive ™ data warehouse software facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL. | |||
Kylin | Apache Kylin™ is an open source, distributed Analytical Data Warehouse for Big Data; it was designed to provide OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) capability in the big data era. | Could be used in OLAP, near realtime. | ||
Spark SQL | Spark SQL could query structured data inside Spark programs, using eigher SQL or other programming languages such as Python, Java. etc. More: Spark |
Spark Dataframe | A Dataframe is a dataset organised into named columns. It is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in python, but with a richer optimization under the hood. Reference: Spark Dataframe |
Impala | Impala is an Apache native arch that circumvents MapReduce operations to directly access the data through a specialized distributed data query engine. Reference: Impala |
Elastic Stack |